My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

October 26, 2011
By Anonymous

Arnold Palmers
Butterflies whenever I see you
CD making
Driving around
Eyes that light up whenever you have something important to say
Fights that always end
Getting ice cream like it’s our job
Hours spent talking at night
Ignoring the world when I’m with you
Jokes that make me laugh louder than a rocket taking off
Kid Cudi singing
Love is a thrill ride with us
Monster games
Nights under blankets that are colder than winter in Antartica
Ordering food and watching movies
Photos are millions of our memories crammed together
Quirky smiles
Rainbow matching bracelets
Summer days spent together flying past our eyes
Toy Story
Understanding each other without even talking
Video chatting
X-ing off items on our summer list
Yellow obnoxious crocs
Zero regrets

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