Rejection with Grace | Teen Ink

Rejection with Grace

October 21, 2011
By Anonymous

His name was Ethan
He came, took class
His gangly legs failed to operate
His arms hung dead at his side
I came, took class
Perfectly pointed feet
Immaculately rounded arms,
delicate hands
Watching in horror
As he jete'd across the room
Tripping over his own feet
My turn.
I beamed, my jetes in
A perfect split
I shined
He was hailed as better
I'll never know
But the experience
Taught me
To not settle at great
To give one-hundred percent
And to handle rejection with grace.

The author's comments:
When I was younger, a boy (his name wasn't Ethan) joined my ballet class for the first time. At the time, I was one of the better students, and I was appalled at how the boy was failing miserably and slowing down class. Yet, he was promoted to a higher level, (which I was desperately trying to reach) and I burned with pain and jealousy, but mostly anger. Not at any teacher, but the boy, whom I could not stand. But, there really was nothing I could do, so I worked on my technique, and gave it my all every class. Eventually, I was promoted two levels ahead, proving handling a situation with grace and determination are the best solutions to a problem.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 10 2011 at 12:02 am
cocoloco BRONZE, La Crescenta, California
1 article 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you don't like what you see, deal with it. If you don't like what you hear, too bad. If you're tired of me, I don't want to hear it. You're not getting rid of me that easy."

I know how you feel.  Just cuz he's a guy doesn't mean he should get the part!!!