You are | Teen Ink

You are

October 21, 2011
By Deadme13 SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Deadme13 SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are bare feet walking on a rough and uneven ground
You are walks down Main St. Uncensored and weekly
You are noises random and loud accompanied by weird distorted faces that make everyone smile
You are my Moral high ground the one that I trust with every aspect of my life cause you don’t judge
You are Love undying, unbending, unbreaking constant Love
You are cheese I find in your fridge
You are my Moral Standard
You are shoes whose number cannot be counted
You are my belief in Humanity
You are a reason to live
You are Skinny jeans not shorts, never shorts
You are sitting in Drivers Ed last year
You are your friends
You are you whiteboard graffitied
You are memories I will never forget or will ever want to
You are and always will be a North side kid No matter what school you go to
You are random songs on your phone that I love but never remember
You are all those Pirated movies
You are the one will all these shoes but if you have the choice you would rather go barefoot
You are walks, Walking, and well more walks
You are the reason I met Amber
You are spicy Ramen
You are I Love you

The author's comments:
This is for someone I love

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