The Beat Of Our Noisy Hearts | Teen Ink

The Beat Of Our Noisy Hearts

October 23, 2011
By mlbb242 BRONZE, Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania
mlbb242 BRONZE, Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As we roam the dark streets at night,
Clasping our hands, feelings so right
Our hearts begin to beat as loud as drums,
As they grow over time and become as one

The soft wind chills our skin,
The arid breeze continually churns the sky
The seasons begin to change
This jovial feeling is ever so strange

My soul ventures to follow your footsteps
We dance freely, to the beat of our noisy hearts
Who would have guessed that this could be the start?

Our feelings recurrently grow to a love so tender
Through thick and thin,
Please let this persist for as long as I can remember

Don’t look back—this will last
Let our hearts meander through this and our cavernous past
You’ve made me laugh, as well as cry
Keep our hands clasped
Our hearts were not meant to be so shy

The author's comments:
This is a piece that I wrote as if I were in the future, in love. I am not experienced in much emotionally, but after all of the popular and sappy novels and movies out there, I felt adding another romantic piece would be okay to throw out there for those dreamers like me.

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