Goodbye Quiet | Teen Ink

Goodbye Quiet

October 23, 2011
By superseni0r BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
superseni0r BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to say goodbye to this quiet
Or rather the loudness I feel is expected
When I watch the smiling teeth on tv screens
All the fakeness seemed so real once
When acceptance was key
When I was free to believe that one day
It’d be me
Gracefully living along with a soundtrack
Bright colors, in a cleansing innocence
Jumping, dribbling down the sidewalk
The cul de sac, the tree fort, into the basement
When I saw phantoms that spoke tongues
Secretly moved eyes on the qui jia board
And I could taste the freedom
In tricking my friends
When I was the clever one with the stories
Who’s mom made Skippy sandwiches

But then you said you loved someone else
where did I learn my trickery?
And here I thought I was your priority
When you were sneaking off, getting high off lies
As he reached for your thighs
I never could form the words then
I was young and they held your vision
I hope my answer makes you swallow yourself or shrivel up or melt
I don’t care if it hurts you
Why does it matter now? You made me just like everyone else.

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