Wakening | Teen Ink


October 19, 2011
By Guitar21 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Guitar21 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If we don't go forward, we won't find anything."
-Shiro Amana "Kingdom Hearts: Vol 1"

It was enchanting
The nights were magical and mystical
He swept me off my feet
Like the wind blows the leaves in Fall

It was enchanting
The way his bright green eyes twinkled and sparkled
His crisp laugh always appeared when I said something cheesy
He held my hand even when our cynics were around

It was enchanting
The way he could finish my sentences
The way he never yelled when things got rocky
Trying hard to see things from where I stood

It was enchanting
He was old fashioned
Opening doors and pulling out chairs as if I were royalty
You were never once late

It was enchanting
Which is why it was surprising
Surreal, Impossible, Unnerving
When he left me standing in ice

There were no warnings
Or maybe they were engulfed in a dense fog
I was more then bewildered when the fog cleared
And he was abandoning me without an explanation

I gazed on as he grew smaller and smaller
It happened so abruptly
Like a flash of illuminating lightning
Jerking me awake from my dream

I still go back
To the time he was mine
And the world was full of magic
It was enchanting

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