shades of grey | Teen Ink

shades of grey

October 16, 2011
By ssuma SILVER, Teaneck, New Jersey
ssuma SILVER, Teaneck, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"the fundemental principal of the art of war is deception, when capable appear incompetent ,when active appear inactive ,when near appear distant ,when distant appear near ,use bait to lure them use confusion to take them (sun tzu)"

All around me I see shades of grey
Remnants of a world once bright
Built on books and painted in poems
Brothers united to defend their homes
Have turned against each other in greed
They burn the land they once saved
The cities and schools are rocks and ruins
The rivers of clear spring water now run red with blood.
Our hope is little but we strive for those we love
we hold on to the flickering candle lights as long as we can
The hopes and dreams we have of a world of peace
Is crushed by the coming of the night
a harsh hand falls and falls again striping me from my heart
The armies march out and destroy monuments of the old world in defense of the twisted scale
Behind my veil a fire burns I stand a witness to violence pain and loss
The fires of war burned through our world like paper
Before the twisted court of monsters and men I stand strong
For a friend in a time of need
A twisted law for a twisted land
Broken in by blood and steel driven forward on a path unseen
I reach for a star shimmering and shining
Across the horizon a new life awaits of vivid colors and bright lights

The author's comments:
a poem written after reading a thousand spelndid suns for english

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