Lynn Finn | Teen Ink

Lynn Finn

October 16, 2011
By AlextheLion DIAMOND, Fort Wayne, Indiana
AlextheLion DIAMOND, Fort Wayne, Indiana
55 articles 0 photos 0 comments

to someone who is just like me, except in blood.
you've become a mirror of me, not just a bud.
gotten so close that we have several inside jokes.
i even kid of tee-peeing, although i did no such hoax.
to a sister i wouldn't know i'd do without in a day.
who would i even text, especially in this lonely May?
to a cornhusker whose favorite man is in Nebraska.
while she shivers in a town of weather like Alaska.
Maroon 5 is how we met and who I sound like.
now it's months later, summer time, time to bike.
claim your mother and now i claim this sweatshirt.
i cringe when you punch me, even though it doesn't hurt.
i am a stubborn b****** who holds on to ideal things.
but you still listen and stand me, no matter what it brings.
taking a liking to the walks we take around your house.
even while my moccasins get muddy and the dowse.
somehow, this all started with a facebook message.
their was no guiding lines, not even forgiving presage.
now i come to you if i need a shoulder for me to cry on.
and now it is summer and we are both vying for simple fun.
i love you Lynn Finn because, well, you're my sis.
and if i didn't have you, i'd have a lifelong friend to miss.
i stick around at night, because we just got fun to have.
i don't want to go home, and leave my other halve.
i am too tired anyways, let me sleep on this comforting couch.
because it's also getting late by the way, i'm becoming a grouch.
let's just be honest, i just wanna live with you.
because our relationship is as rare to find as pokemon and mew.
i know way too much material about you, i've proved my point.
so i'll just stop all these rhyming schemes, sorry to dissapoint.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to my best friend.

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