Blank | Teen Ink


October 16, 2011
By AlextheLion DIAMOND, Fort Wayne, Indiana
AlextheLion DIAMOND, Fort Wayne, Indiana
55 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Holding back tears to create a headache.
While the world outside is out there to bake.
When the world is sad and we lose all hope.
But we have no reason to have to mope.
We loved her, and she loved us back.
The love was the one thing that did not lack.
Just lost her way as we had hoped not.
Now to the heavens her spirit has been brought.
You were worth the effort, the hardships, it all.
As you always joked with me, "You aren't tall."
It is going to be hard to think you won't be here.
The memories, the laughter, bring me to tears.
Aunt Penny, I always loved you from afar.
But now you're closer then ever, I see you in the stars.

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