Writer's Block | Teen Ink

Writer's Block

October 12, 2011
By KSpain BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
KSpain BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I'm sitting here and I'm full of strife.
But none of its from this hard human life.

I try to write, to let my feelings flow.
I never expected my motivation to go.

So as I channel my thoughts onto this sheet of paper,
My words write themselves, like I'm not the maker.

My tired thoughts and perspiration,
Have become the perfect inspiration.

The thoughts stream clear,
Free of nightmares and fear.

I don't search for a reason,
The answer is here.

Who knew writer's block,
was a poem so dear?

The author's comments:
Interesting how inspiration strikes in mysterious forms...

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