Two Halves of a Whole | Teen Ink

Two Halves of a Whole

October 15, 2011
By KaityAcie BRONZE, Three Rivers, Michigan
KaityAcie BRONZE, Three Rivers, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't do what you want.
Do what you don't want.
Do what you're trained not to want.
Do the things that scare you most.

We are Two Halves of a Whole.
Like two eyes of one soul.
Two sides of the same heart.
Two minds with the same thought.

You could be the right eye.
I could be the left.
You could be the Forever Young mind.
I could be the quiet, wise mind.

We don't often stray far apart.
And when we do,
Our minds seek each others thoughts.
Sometimes we are one.

Your heart is open to all people.
Young and old, you love them all.
Always spotting Gods loving nature.
That's all I've ever wanted.

My heart is hard, afraid to love.
I see people love me, but do not wonder a second thought.
My heart sees beauty in the darkest places.
That's what I've grown to love.

When we are together,
Our minds and hearts collide.
We become someone not entirely ourselves,
But one another as well.

We just so happen to bring out the best and worst in one another.
We laugh and become the person on the inside.
We know we no longer have to hide.

But sometimes, I want to hide.
Like a little kid.
I want to keep all my thoughts and feelings a secret.
And see what it's like to be left a half and not a whole.

Together, we can sing and be comfortable.
Truthfully, I am self conscious around myself.
You are a leader and have amazing will power.
I am a follower, and often follow you.

But what would happen, if we were to leave each other
What would you or I do?
Who would I follow?
who would you lead?

We are Two Halves of a Whole.
Two eyes of one soul.
We each lift our own corners of the Universe.
Our Universe.

The author's comments:
But sometimes, I want to hide.
Like a little kid.
I want to keep all my thoughts and feelings a secret.
And see what it's like to be left a half and not a whole.

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