The Fawn Who Dances Through Life | Teen Ink

The Fawn Who Dances Through Life

October 13, 2011
By fluffymickeyroo GOLD, Clarence Center, New York
fluffymickeyroo GOLD, Clarence Center, New York
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
to ride or not to ride? what a stupid question!

Snow twirls around the meadow,
The fawn dances with the frost,
Darts in and out of moonlight,
And frolics with the moths,
She plays with the flowers late at dusk,
And jumps in the forests beds of gold,
Drinks dew drops off the moss,
And smells sweet grass before it grows,
Her coat is sprinkled with the seasons,
White snow drops with red and gold,
She explores the forests shadows,
And makes trails for young and old,
She lays her head in rays of light,
And rests her weary legs,
Waits until the sun falls down,
And starts her night again.

The author's comments:
This is about a fawn dancing through her life. It's very simple with one glance, but if you look into the words and try to picture the fawn and its days you see much more. You just have to look.

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