One Song | Teen Ink

One Song

October 13, 2011
By fluffymickeyroo GOLD, Clarence Center, New York
fluffymickeyroo GOLD, Clarence Center, New York
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
to ride or not to ride? what a stupid question!

Sing only once loud and clear,
Make an impression,
every one will hear,
Sing like your alone,
let your voice be the light,
Sing like a sparrow,
and take your flight,
Sing with the wolves,
and stand your fight,
Sing to the shadows,
and be the first rays,
to shine during the night,
Don't stop your song,
or loose the tune,
Keep singing strong,
Until you pass the blues.

The author's comments:
I love to sing and this is how I think everyone should sing or think of singing!

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