Rejoice | Teen Ink


October 13, 2011
By Scotty Flynn BRONZE, Fremon, Michigan
Scotty Flynn BRONZE, Fremon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am me
you are you
i don't know what else to say
in order to get through

we laugh
we joke
I wait
for you to croak

don't you see
I am me
why would you
want to change
the flow of the sea
the pull of the moon
the sand on the dunes
the beauty of gold
the light a rainbow can hold

you fear for my soul
in eternal da**ation
I think of he**
as people like you
in this nation

don't blame yourself
that this is true
rejoice in the fact
I came from you

our world is changing
very fast
it's time I set myself
apart from the rest
out with the old
in with the new
that is what
generations do

there is no reason
for who I am
it's not a form of treason
or a sham
there is no cry
for attention
please stop
with all the tension

when you look into my eyes
I know what you see
a disease living
deep inside of me
you spoke of finding a cure
which is really sick
I would never adhere

don't you see
I am me
you can't change
the air we breath
or the footprints that we leave

as you pray for me
I will pray for you
hoping that
some of this
will go through

the way you keep acting
will tear us apart
until you learn
that you
just need
to let people be
including me

The author's comments:
This is about my coming out to my mom. I wrote this at a hard time in my life while dealing with what she thought of me and everything. Time has passed and we are much more open about a lot of things and we have a wonderful relationship. I love my mom with all my heart and i do not care how corny that sounds.

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