Season of Fall | Teen Ink

Season of Fall

October 13, 2011
By ErinnMarie97 SILVER, Guilford, Indiana
ErinnMarie97 SILVER, Guilford, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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You're only in trouble if you get caught

It’s that time of the year again, the beautiful season of Fall.
The leaves change colors, from green to yellow, orange, or red, to the falling of the leaves slowly to the ground to the crispy brown.
The smile on everyone’s face when they step on the crunchy leaves, the sound when each one breaking apart.
the pumpkins grow bigger from their little green size in the summer to their big, round, orange color.
The horses are ready for their autumn hayrides, all brushed up and pretty with their bows and bells.
Children rake up the leaves into one big pile, then race to see who could make it there first or take a basketball out on the back porch and watch the leaves explode when the ball hits them.
Campfires are lit for s’mores and scary ghost stories are told.
Halloween gets a great rep this time.
The cobwebs get hung up and the haunted attractions open up.
Halloween aisles are set up and people stock up on the candy.
People pull the Halloween costumes from the depths of the basement and little children enjoy to dress up in older siblings hand-me-downs.
Thanksgiving comes around near the end of Fall.
Pumpkin pies, turkey, cranberry sauce are set out on the table.
Families come close to be with one another.
The nights begin to get colder,
Hoodies get pulled out and shorts are stored away under the bed and on the top selves.
The birds fly south, in search of warmth, the bears prepare for winter hibernation, and the squirrels store up for the cold.
Children run around, in the chilly weather, to get one last taste of Fall before the winter comes.
The fallen leaves leave a musky scent in the air, the sun leaves a warm feeling on your face.
The leaves begin to fall.

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