hope. | Teen Ink


September 23, 2011
By svetlyee SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
svetlyee SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The feeling sometimes comes when you are least expecting it,
Or when you need it the most;
Like a flock of white doves being freed against a gray, gray sky,
Or an ancient anchor being lifted from the lonely bottom of the sea.
It is like the smell of Chipotle for a stomach that is not filled,
Or like a fresh baked pie waiting on a window sill.
It could be the sound of the ice cream man,
The ‘pop’ when you open a soda can.
Possibly it is like a shooting star in the summer night,
Or simply the smell of rain when you step outside.
Perhaps it is an unopened letter,
Written in fancy penmanship;
Or perhaps it is like having the chance
To watch a beautiful person smile.
Whatever form it comes in,
It is sincere, and not guile.

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