Memories of My Life | Teen Ink

Memories of My Life

October 5, 2011
By JessicaB. BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
JessicaB. BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the Barney movies to Barney for Halloween, Kids learn more from what they see, Barney knows how to make learning fun, and get kids to go out into the sun.
I am from playing Barbie dolls and making new outfits, To my step brother becoming her barbershop and destroying her house, Maybe he was telling me she really needed a make over.
I am from the bat in my cousin’s hand while running after us, To climbing the trees to hide for your life, If he got you, you would be massacred.
I am from “head shot” or “I got a 5 killing streak”, To get off the video game and lets go shopping, Cause I’m so into shoes that will make me look like a geek.
I am from the gravel flying every where from the tires of four wheelers, Dust in my face collecting dirt beneath my eyes, To slipping and sliding into the mud, not one spot white, I am afraid to get dirty.
I am from mom she’s doing this or mom she’s doing that, They know when I get in trouble I get it worse. Because I have to get my peace into it and I can not let anyone finish what they are saying when I’m angry.
I am from “Your sister never did that or your sister was not like that, To your teaching him wrong, don’t do that in front of him” shouting out into my ears that only listen to things I want to hear when I get yelled at.
I am from a big warm room full of the smell of turkey and ham and filled family members, the television blared up and Shouting Go!, Go! Touch down, telling stories of the past and the good old days, To my great grandfather telling about Hitler, when he almost got massacred but got lucky.
I am from “Life’s not always fair, it is very hard out there.” The favorite words Of the strong headed and hard working mother of mine.

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