October Twilight | Teen Ink

October Twilight

September 28, 2011
By FmYellowjacket BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
FmYellowjacket BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sunset month of the year,
before the evening of November,
after the afternoon of September.
The trees of the world rest in blissful embers,
orange and yellow and fire-glow red.
The air becomes a chilled jacket to be worn fondly
this is the twilight month of October.
The world has embraced autumn,
a long lost friend, come to visit for just a little while.
The crisp dagger-friendly wind,
carrying the scent of mom’s apple pie in its arms.
Heaven wears the mask of Hell for one night,
as children squeal and howl with the joy of Halloween.
It’s sweet-bitter, it’s heart-cooling,
it’s October Twilight.
October sunset sets the world ablaze,
the eyes of friends afire and aglow.
A girl’s hair, glowing with embers and cinders,
her smile a wild-fire glow, against the Osaka-sunset.
A boy, releasing columns of blazing laughter from his mouth,
as he wears the wind-blush and breathes the steam-air of fall.
Orange pumpkins smile and festival crowds sing,
October Twilight has come back for us all.
The rain is a cascade of brown leaves,
quenching my thirst for a crisp, crunching solace.
The soundtrack of teens, playing football on lawns,
the lullaby-racket of school letting out.
I spend my days with fall and my nights with autumn,
dreading for the moment I have to say goodbye.
The cascading red and brown leaves my lover,
the glowing orange sunset my bride,
I am in love with October Twilight.

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