Nothing Left | Teen Ink

Nothing Left

October 1, 2011
By LeTrice BRONZE, Lakeland, Florida
LeTrice BRONZE, Lakeland, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"What goes around comes back around"

Destruction is what we use to describe a place called Earth.
Nothing to live on but veneration and hate... Ire and hinderance.
What is this world coming to?
Hardly any happiness and exhilleration!
Watch your back for evil is lurking behind every shadowed corner,
In fear that that it's true master plan will be revealed.
To demolish every feeling, joy, peace, even every human being.
It'll minipulate and devastate our minds, then sit and wait sufficient like for us to rip each other to shreds.
We handle what very little love we have left
Not enough to go around
Not enough to believe in.
Can we finish this battle between good and evil?
And if we do, who will be triumphant?
Can we continue living a life full of hate and regret?
Worried about what tomorrow may bring?
Tears falling increasingly
She is wounded...
She can't go on living a life like this.
No one to rely on but God himself.
She watches as her family and friends knaw at each other
Bickering and Fighting.
Nothing to do but pray to God for peace and tranquillit for them.
She can't go on living a life like this!
No longer shall she face pain, hurt, and missery.
Nothing left here for her to do here but fall on her knees and pray.

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