A Lost Childhood | Teen Ink

A Lost Childhood

October 5, 2011
By blakenn BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
blakenn BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A lost childhood
I am from rose bushes that never wilted or died,
no matter what would happen
outside my aurora home.
From my tree house and swing set out back
that my friends would come and play at.
Until we moved away
On my birthday.

I am from Nintendo 64
Getting lost in the world of Paper Mario,
collecting Pokemonn cards where I could never have enough,
and a beanie baby duck, the oldest one of many.

I am from divorced parents
spending many weekends at my dad’s house,
I started to when I was four.
Not even knowing what was going on.
From each Thanksgiving or Christmas only one parent at each,
most kids got to have both.
When with my mom I spent them a lot at grandpa’s.

I am from “grandpa’s farm”
every summer there,
And the small town of Weyerhaeuser just two miles away.
From booster days the biggest celebration there,
I would go with my grandpa when ever I was there.
I learned how to drive an ATV from him,
I still love riding his green 300 CC Honda.
He taught me how to fish,
it still is my favorite thing to do.

I am from him taking me to Dairy Queen just because he liked to,
until the one day he had taken us all.
My mom, my brother and witnessed him have his stoke.
It was on that sunny bright summer day,
that still pains me to think about.
I still haven’t eaten a banana spit sundae from a Dairy Queen since.

I am from him spending a few years in a nursing home,
unable to take care of himself.
He didn’t seem or act the same,
he didn’t like being there either.
Up until that Saturday my mom got that tragic phone call.
He had passed away.
I think the roses had died.

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