Sever the Bonds | Teen Ink

Sever the Bonds

September 24, 2011
By damienallan BRONZE, Middletown, Pennsylvania
damienallan BRONZE, Middletown, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Can't you hear their screams?
I am nothing but a fool.
Torn apart at my seams,
I've become a mere tool.

I am the burning stake,
I am the guillotine,
I am the hand of fate;
Disguised as a simple man you've seen.

Reliance is history,
Only distance and deception remain.
Don't tread on me,
I am humanity's bane.

Nothing of importance lies in wait,
Why not just ease into your grave?
Faith in false Gods will be the bait,
As I lie down my glaive.

The author's comments:
This is a piece that could be considered related to the military and the on-going wars overseas, but it was originally an idea of mine to express anger and revenge on a piece of paper rather than act. The inspiration came from a news piece I was watching regarding the war in Afghanistan.

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