Dream On | Teen Ink

Dream On

September 12, 2011
By jmaher BRONZE, Roslindale, Massachusetts
jmaher BRONZE, Roslindale, Massachusetts
1 article 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I will wait for this moment when our lips collide and almost stop the Earth, you're in my arms tonight. So I've come to complicate the dead, are you with me? I've written out all my vows again.

We’re all here to live the American dream
Where the streets are paved with gold
But that news is old
This is America, the land of white men
So some politicians say
They must not be in touch with the modern day
Everyone is here to stay
Its old news
We’re all the same
Whether we’re black or white
Christians or jews.
If the color was drained from our skin
You’ll see we are all from the same mould
And no one suffers from Cain’s old sin
We go by the same name
Remember the words of Harry Truman?
“America was not built on fear.”
So what are we afraid of?
That girl cause she’s black?
That boy cause he’s here?
This is there land too.
If you don’t like it might I remind you who brought them here?
It was you!
We’re all here to live the American dream.
But King is still dreaming
When do his dreams become a reality?
When there’s an end to the racial brutality
When we have a good sense of morality
When the difference is a normality
Is this difference really there?
I don’t see it
We all breathe the same air
We all deserve the same care
If the color was drained from our skin
You’ll see we are all from the same mould
And no one suffers from Cain’s old sin
The reminder from Smith and Carlos in ’68
That this world has too much hate
Keep your hands off your hearts
Put your black fists in the air
Bow your heads
For those who dare
Step up with their feet bare
This is America and this is real
This is how they really feel
The power salute
Followed by a meaningful dispute
Shows us what its like
When we fight for our rights
These aren’t the lies
The media tells us
These are the protests and progress
This is the real American dream
Not what they say in the mainstream
To quote the Declaration that helped make this nation
“All men are created equal.”
Something was lost in translation
No one is equal
Not in this society
Not with American propriety
The American dream is gone
The 15th amendment seems to have been withdrawn
These are the people who are oppressed
Listen to them, listen to their protest
To have the same rights
To be treated fair
This land we share
These are people who are oppressed
Listen to them, listen to their protests.

The author's comments:
I've learned a lot about racism recently. There are two things I have to explain. One is the reference to "Cain's old sin." One interpretation of the bible I heard was that the mark Cain received for killing his brother was race. The other is the reference to Smith and Carlos in 1968. The the 1968 olympics, American runners placed 1st and 3rd in their race. Instead of placing their right hand over their hearts during the national anthem, the raised a gloved fist in the air(called the power salute) and bowed their heads. They also wore black socks to the podium without shows to show the oppression black people were dealing in the U.S. Both runners were black themselves.

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