Heartbreak | Teen Ink


September 15, 2011
By nattiearmstrong SILVER, Evergreen, Colorado
nattiearmstrong SILVER, Evergreen, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How can someone look you in the eyes,
and tell you so many lies?
But they can't tell you the truth
While they're standing in front of you?

They can say things to bring you down,
Hoping that you'll feel like a clown
But when you look back at what they said,
You realize it's all in their head!

All their accusations are false,
all this for no reason at all!
You are torn inside from all the lies,
but at the same time, you wonder why!

You were inseparable from the start,
Basically together a the heart!
It was a bond that could never break,
one that no earthquake could ever shake.

You thought you could trust them with anything,
Now you know you'll never do that again.
After you hear what they really thought,
while they played you without getting caught!

But when you hear the things they said,
you'll be glad when the relationship is dead!
You hear all the painful words through someone else
All you want to do is melt,
and breakdown right there on the spot.

But look at yourself, who would've thought?
You're better than them after what you've been called

You don't talk negatively about a soul
And you don't have a heart stone cold.
You have no reason to make up lies,
You know most people are too wise,
and those words would quickly die/

The others would want to watch you cry,
they don't realize life is passing by.
But they are too busy wasting their time
with things that won't matter in a while!

You can't blame yourself for others mistake
You can only feel bad they have nothing else
to do with their day.
There will always be someone who's accepting,
someone who will let you be yourself,
without all the useless gossiping.

Hopefully you'll find someone who's a better match
and you could share a genuine laugh

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