Why Are the "Populars" Popular? | Teen Ink

Why Are the "Populars" Popular?

September 14, 2011
By Anonymous

Why are the popular ones the ones who keep people out?
Why are they pretty ones the ones who cake on the makeup?
Why are the cool ones the ones who break rules?
Why are the funny ones the ones who are mean?
Why are the nice ones the ones who get bullied?
Why are the smart ones the ones who get made fun of?
Why are the popular ones popular?

Why are they friends when they talk behind each other’s back?
Why are they dating just for status?
Why are they joking around when its not funny?
Why are they hanging out when they don’t get along?
Why are the popular ones popular?

Why do the conversations always turn into fights?
Why do they spread gossip they know are not true?
Why do they judge people based on rumors?
Why do they think of themselves as better?

Why should I try to be popular?
Why would I be anything but myself?

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This article has 1 comment.

andie said...
on Feb. 2 2016 at 10:37 am
this is some true stuff... IM NOT A POPULAR AND IM PROUD!!!!!!!!