"Adolescence" | Teen Ink


September 16, 2011
By not-a-word BRONZE, Highland Heights, Kentucky
not-a-word BRONZE, Highland Heights, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A doctor once told me I feel too much. I said, 'So does God; That's why you can see the Grand Canyon from the moon.'" -Andrea Gibson

Everything you’ve ever known,
Every law of gravity keeping your shoestrings laced to the earth
Is cut away.
Leaving you doing involuntary, clumsy cartwheels down the revolving hills of this Hell.
Hopscotch, chalk-painted sidewalks become tacky smears of dull.
Carrousels and pony rides crawling way too slow.
Their colours a shady cloud and all because someone who’d been riding before you puked.
It’s all bull!
And now your head is spinning while the world is inching sluggishly around you.
The man who opened the entrance gate has vanished in the blur.
And it’s absurd!
Halloween masks cry and pout,
Drama’s sad faces scream and shout,
They all bawl inside.
The cartwheels hurt your bones.
They all yell some more
At you,
At each other.
And you do it too.
“That’s what you're supposed to do.”
Pointing fingers, elbows, and toes.
Lifting their chins, chuffing their nose
At the kids so “hormonal” and “bad”,
When really you’re all just sad.
A chair snatched away before you seat.
A feeling of betrayal and defeat.
You are a machine pumped with toxic gas and the scarce supply of oxygen masks run only on year-old swine urine.
But they won’t let you at it because they couldn’t have it themselves.
They had dreams too, dreams of firemen and police officers,
Dreams of flying across the morning sky with a flowing red cape like Superman.
They wanted to save the world.
But their hands too were stomped on at the attempt to avoid their gassing.
They do it now because “it has always been this way” and they still feel resentment inside.
What kind of society is this when our only joy is in crushing others’ because we were crushed?!
Obviously it’s not working, we’re still miserable.
That’s not growing up!
Growing up is growing down.
And I think it’s time we do.

The author's comments:
This poem is pretty much a reflection over the change from childhood to adulthood, about the hectic moment of in-between.
It is about how "growing up" means to give up security, give up your dreams, make big deals out of nothing.
And it seems that adults see teens in the work-world, or at the store or whatever, and they see the happiness and ambition the teens still have. This enrages the adults and they feel compelled to crush their dreams just like what others did to them.
And that is why teens are so dramatic, depressed, and emotional; because they are still just kids. Kids who know they "are supposed" to be adults. The examine how adults make such a big deal over money or relationships, or something and they try to do that too. Unfortunately, since they are still ignorant of how to do this and where, they tend to seem 10x more dramatic than usual. And adults get angry at them for that too.
The "grown-ups" shove let-downs and "you can't do"'s down these beaten-down kids' throats and the only way to get away will only bring more angry grown-ups and even fellow teens in the long-run
And when they finally reach adulthood and learn the skills. They feel no better than a steel, robotic machine. They are internally crushed. So when they see a teen walk by, free and happy, they feel the need to crush their spirits. And it starts again...

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