Summed Up Lies | Teen Ink

Summed Up Lies

September 4, 2011
By Anonymous

How may I say how I feel?
How can I describe to you how much,
And little,
Makes its way through my mind?
You ask how I am,
But how can I answer truly?
How can I bear to speak my worries?
For when I try,
Everything that boils inside of me,
Threatens to spill over.
How can I possibly trap my problems,
Compress them into words,
When all I know to do is feel?
How can I even think to separate them?
My troubles are an endless string,
For I cannot think of one without the other.
How is it possible to define my emotions,
When they are blurred?
Smeared together like a child's work of art.
How may I catch them when they run in circles?
I get dizzy trying.
How may I say how I feel,
When I don't even know?
So I nod,
Duck my head,
Take a breath,
And sum up my lie.

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