Colors Exposed | Teen Ink

Colors Exposed

August 24, 2011
By DitzieBlondie2 BRONZE, Queensbury, New York
DitzieBlondie2 BRONZE, Queensbury, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m destroying denials and taking for certain
How I have shamefully shut all of my curtains
To protect and shield my most sorrowful burdens.

While progressively closing my powerful drapes
Each day to defend my unique forms and shapes
I was afraid to reveal beneath my invincible cape.

Until I’ve gradually perceived that it would be okay
To expose my colors even through the darkest day,
Instead of concealing my thoughts leading to stray
Away with a troubled mind coping with the daily fray.

Exploring to gain strength, I’ll courageously seek
Endeavoring it’s long length, to avoid being weak.
Although my shadows tend to creep and take a peak,
Persuading my colors from permission to seep and leak.

My strength keeps me standing from ever being beat,
By my fears that shall surrender to my soul’s vigor defeat
To prove that my colors were never meant to fade or sleet.
I’m not moving my ground I’m sunk into the colored concrete.

In the end, strength really wasn’t hard to look for,
Nor was it hard to resist my shadows implore.
I’ve destroyed my denials from each end of the polar,
That’s been ultimately vile though I now shed each color.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this poem due to the amount of stress I was going through at the time and the amount of anxiety I was feeling while preparing myself for college the following year. I believe a lot of people, especially young adolescents, struggle through the transition of becoming an adult while finding themselves. Each and every individual has their own insecurities, but not all of them know how to control them. As for me, my biggest worry was if I could stay strong and be true to myself without allowing my insecurities to control who I was through the transition of becoming an adult. All I knew was that I didn't want to change myself for anybody, even if it meant losing friends. The only way I knew how to become confident and remain so, was to pour out my thoughts onto a piece of paper, then develop them into its own rhythm once I knew the type of message I wanted to send across.

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This article has 1 comment.

kpamom4kids7 said...
on Sep. 12 2011 at 10:37 pm
Awesome work.  Great context with detail and meaning.  Keep up the good work.