Easy Deception | Teen Ink

Easy Deception

August 27, 2011
By grlwiththedog BRONZE, Carson City, Nevada
grlwiththedog BRONZE, Carson City, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your mind weaves webs of deception
The truth lost somewhere between now and conception
The manacles of your mind reposition
And now I’m no longer part of your cognition

I’m not a person, a human being
I’m just a body, and you are deaf to my disagreeing
Curves of hips and waist, hair cascading down my back
One glance, and you knew your attack

A talk, a touch, a smile and you thought you had
Access, could fill my mouth with your spit
My lips don’t say no, because hey, why not
Everyone deserves a complacent shot

But as your hand moves up my thigh
I realize you see this as an easy buy
Your fingers reach the zipper of my jeans
My mouth begins to form words, my mind careens

My eyes lock on your hormone glazed stare
And my words tell you no, now that you’re caught in the snare
I talk about morals, relationships, not getting around
And I watch as your mind comes unwound

Unraveled by surprise of my firm decline
Your thoughts spiral, twisting like twine
The traits of value, intelligence, and maintaining control
You hope that these things are still within you, hiding in a far corner of your soul

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