My Special Place | Teen Ink

My Special Place

August 26, 2011
By JShap113 SILVER, Newport Beach, California
JShap113 SILVER, Newport Beach, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For the past several minutes
my eyes have been straining too distant
to recall that preferred location
where perhaps I thought the bliss went.

But happiness doesn’t travel—
we are magnets or we are repellents,
and sometimes something may allow us
to shift between the offense and the defense.

Where I sit typing these thoughts
is where my magnetic force is strongest;
where the extreme felicity I feel
is almost tangibly amidst.

The location in my mind’s eye,
as well as in my actual vision,
is my desk and piece of paper—
where stories like this begin.

Inspiration flickers everywhere around me,
in this energetic corner of my room;
words surge through my fingertips,
trying to keep up as my thoughts accrue.

This is where walls of stress can be knocked down,
where compressed feelings can be released,
where ideas can be put to paper,
and where happiness can be increased.

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