Clarity | Teen Ink


August 21, 2011
By LostinWords BRONZE, Jefferson City, Missouri
LostinWords BRONZE, Jefferson City, Missouri
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

The world spins so fast, and I am standing still.
Or perhaps the world is frozen and I move of my own will.
I cannot trace the source of the momentum’s pull.
My life at times seems barren, and at others much too full.
I think and think and think, thoughts no one ever knows.
My mind running on empty, and still it overflows.
My thoughts stumble about, bumping into one other.
At times I’m so confused; I can’t tell one word from another.
But in this life that’s so complex, there’s one thing I understand.
Even when I can’t find myself I can always find your hand.
And when I make mistakes, miss my part, lose my place.
Things always seem so right, each time I see your face.
And when your close to me, and I am in your arms.
I see the world not for its faults, but also for its charms.
The world that’s so unstable, unreliable and frail.
Can be seen so perfectly from within your loving veil.
And as your lips connect with mine,
Confusion and clarity intertwine

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