Listen Closely | Teen Ink

Listen Closely

August 23, 2011
By Michelle24G SILVER, Bronx, New York
Michelle24G SILVER, Bronx, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Listen closely and you'll hear her cry,
Listen closely you might hear her sing,
She's wondering whats the point,
She'll never be enough,
And with just that thought,
She feels like throwing up,
`Cause everyone is leaving,
When they promised they wouldn't,
And life is getting harder ,
When she knows it shouldn't,
Listen Closely and you'll hear her scream,
Listen closely you might hear her sing,
She wants to be heard,
And be less seen as the girl trying to be invisible,
She wants to have her voice heard on the radio,
To be looking up at the stars in the city,
And still know they're visible,
She needs that bit of hope,
That she's reaching her dream,
Cause she's tired of the lies and emotional hurting,
She was finally done.
Had her head healed high to the world,
She said one day they'll hear me sing ,
And when that day comes,
She'll tell everyone i told you so,
When they repeated she won't,
And she demands not to stop singing,
Until shes finally heard.

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