Puppet Master | Teen Ink

Puppet Master

August 18, 2011
By kirshichan BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
kirshichan BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Can a man still be brave if he is afraid?" ~Bran
"It is the only time a man can be brave" ~Eddard

All that’s left of me is this broken, shattered soul
My body’s just this puppet only there to be controlled
The strings are being pulled just like any marionette
My legs still keep on moving though my heart’s no longer in it
I must be good for something, as it is I am still here
But all I’ve found so far is only sorrow, pain, and fear
My puppet self just keeps on moving though my thoughts are all my own
And yet my body keeps on living though my heart is all alone
I no longer want to fight it, the shadows are taking over
And for all you know I might not be here come this next October
And through all this pain and suffering my heart still keeps on beating
And the way I live my life is no type of life to be leading
Wondering, watching, waiting, the end is almost near
And the pain of death and suffering is no longer anything to fear
As I lay hear listening, my heart beat is all I hear
And this puppet of a body will no longer shed a tear
How much pain is one to take before this empty soul is taken
If you believe you cannot break from pain than you would be mistaken
Now all that’s left of me is this broken, shattered soul
My body’s just this puppet only there to be controlled

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