Endless Song of the Ocean | Teen Ink

Endless Song of the Ocean

August 17, 2011
By kirshichan BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
kirshichan BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Can a man still be brave if he is afraid?" ~Bran
"It is the only time a man can be brave" ~Eddard

The waves I wish could hear me out,
Could listen to my desires,
Could let me do what I wish could be true.
A sorrow maybe to be taken away,
The mass of the sea to crush thoughts of you out,
For you are already gone.
My wish to end this sorrow,
To be taken by the ocean.
My wish to end this sorrow,
Will this ever leave?
No, it will follow me,
To the ends of the Earth,
To the depths of the ocean,
To the heights of the skies.
My final wish will happen with the power or the ocean;
The raw power of a dreading wave.
My final breath will be crush by the mass of the sea.
But I am not perfect, nobody is.
I listen to the waves crashing against the shore,
And all I can really hear is your voice
In the endless song of the ocean.

The author's comments:
I wrote this a while ago. I started when my grandmother died and whenever something upset me afterwards I added more to it and made it longer and, in my opinion, better. I feel like adding more now would take away from it, so I thought maybe I ought to post it to see what you all thought.

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