My United States Marine | Teen Ink

My United States Marine

June 8, 2011
By ahayden12 BRONZE, Stockbridge, Georgia
ahayden12 BRONZE, Stockbridge, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every night I dream of the day he'll leave my side.
He tells me that he'll come home safe, I just hope it's not a lie.
I know it's not forever, but it seems too long a time
to go without my other half, but he says that he'll be fine.
He tells me not to worry, that he'll write me everyday,
but I know that I'll still worry until he's home to stay.

When I hear a story about a soldier who has died,
I can’t help but think of him, I cant help but start to cry.
He thinks that he's invincible, but I know better still.
Not everything is safe; guns and knives and bullets kill.
I know that we both dread all the time that he'll be gone,
but he tries to be so strong for me, says he won't be gone for long.

The day he comes back home to me in his perfect set of blues
I'll be waiting for him patiently, I can’t wait to hear his news.
And although I dread the time that he wont be by my side,
I can't wait for him to come back home with his face so full of pride.
And after waiting all that time I've had to go without my man,
I'll be right there to see them place the globe into his hand.
And although the day he leaves still haunts my every dream,
I'll be more than proud to call him my United States Marine.

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This article has 1 comment.

acrawford12 said...
on Aug. 20 2011 at 9:01 pm
omg ashley that is so cute. the end made me smile. <3