More That Meets the Eye | Teen Ink

More That Meets the Eye

August 12, 2011
By itskaylaperrin BRONZE, Artemas, Pennsylvania
itskaylaperrin BRONZE, Artemas, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.

It never used to be like this
Nor did I ever think it would
I never thought that when I woke up
These would be the things that crossed my mind
Never thought my wants would overcome the things I know I should
But these happenings
Opened up my eys to something more fashy and ravishing
I always thought you were beautiful from afar
Now as I get close to your face I see you for what you really are
Every lyric I wrote was always filled with your essence
And every word was spit with you as the hidden messege
I expect you to go the farthest
Even if youre destined to drop
And I want you to make it worth all this , even though you garunteed me if I stay that my head is destined to pop
No one laid this out for me
Said it word for word
Filled me up with euphemisms
But rest aside, this is my genecide, and thats all they heard
I couldnt begin to describe the compassion behind the crime
The loneliness behind each rythym
And the way I wish you could feel this melting feeling inside
But its warm so I welcome it with every breath
Let you know how amazing you make me feel as long as this feeling is kept
And for now, you will be better than the rest
Until I have to live life without you
Until I can feel your absense under the dead skin fallicals and in the roots of my hair
Your fullfillment comes with a price and unless I pay it, you dont care
I could scratch at my eyes
Watch as my luminous wants fill my red hot skies
And the color red is used in many different ways
But ill show you how much I need you as I spread blood allover this page
Becoming my worst enemy
Seeing only you have the the capability
To fill this atmosphere with air that is breathable
Something that makes cloud 9 reachable
Enough to hitch this addiction to life
And leave my thoughts sustainable

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