Smart | Teen Ink


August 10, 2011
By simplyceleste BRONZE, Lufkin, Texas
simplyceleste BRONZE, Lufkin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hate being described as smart.
It's slap in the face.
Everyone does it.
My coworkers, my friends, my mom.
It's the almost always the first word people use.
Like I have no other redeeming qualities
Like I'm not useful for anything other than book references, definitions, and mental math.
Like they don't know me at all.

Just once, I'd like for someone to say funny, sarcastic....pretty.
I'd like to be more than the homework helper or designated driver.
To mean something someone not because of my skill sets
But because they want me. Need me for some unexplicable reason.

One time. A single moment.
To be something. Anything.
Other than smart.

The author's comments:
A friend tagged me in some silly post on FB and described me as "the person they go to for answers." I've known this person since preschool, and it hurt that this was the 1st and easiest way for them to describe me.

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