Her Prince | Teen Ink

Her Prince

July 11, 2011
By Anonymous

All effort was all in vain.

She is still stuck on him,

Her dear prince.

Never saw it when he changed

for, he was nothing but deranged.

"He is truly nice,

with a heart of gold,

an a face of the angels."

A mask, a facade.

She simply accepts her terrible fate.

blow by blow,

Months by month,

turns to years.

“What happened to your face?”

a question.

Always ringing in her ears.

So, Cuts her wrists,

prays for grace.

Her funeral was cold,

And, He doesn’t hear words.

Nothing makes sense.

Then, it all went silent.

On the news,

The face they’d never see again,

a wonderful friend.

The story told of a young life,

a tragic end.

The author's comments:
I read a memoir of an abused woman and was inspired. I hope this will draw attention to the constant horrors of domestic abuse.

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