My description of love | Teen Ink

My description of love

July 25, 2011
By Bugglov3 SILVER, Cambridge, Minnesota
Bugglov3 SILVER, Cambridge, Minnesota
8 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"True passion is being bashed for what you love doing and doing it anyway." -TheBugg

A light touch, a brush of a hand, a loose hair brushed back. A quick peck on the cheek making a smile so sweet. A laugh, a giggle, a butterfly tickle. A gaze into hazel eyes, a kiss of surprise. A tear of joy, a dream coming true, it's all that I find when I'm with you.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem wondering what it would be like to describe love to someone who had never heard of it. I thought about what lovers do, how they act and feel. It all came together when I remembered how Ibfeel when I'm with him, my man.

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