in the darkness of the night | Teen Ink

in the darkness of the night

July 31, 2011
By ssuma SILVER, Teaneck, New Jersey
ssuma SILVER, Teaneck, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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"the fundemental principal of the art of war is deception, when capable appear incompetent ,when active appear inactive ,when near appear distant ,when distant appear near ,use bait to lure them use confusion to take them (sun tzu)"

In the darkness of the night we stand in fear praying and fighting for bright dawns light.

At dawn we reached for the sky and began to build as the sun rose so did we.

At noon we reached our peak, our strength unchallenged, our knowledge unmatched.

Yet over the horizon we saw dusk, with him came plumes of black smoke and the clanging of machines in his wake was only despair and death.

In the darkness of the night we stood in fear ashamed of what we wrought with our own two hands and prayed for the chance to begin again.

The author's comments:
beware your action, their is a cycle to dark things sort of inspired by the turbulent times period in british history

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