His Daily Walk | Teen Ink

His Daily Walk

July 28, 2011
By silvialuck SILVER, River Falls, Wisconsin
silvialuck SILVER, River Falls, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!
-Rhett Butler

The man took his daily walk
no particular destination in mind.
He strode along a smooth, gently rolling path
and got lost in watching his surroundings.
He steps off the path and jerks out of his reverie.
His path had split before him and he hadn’t seen it coming.
He knew what lay down each path.
One way wound through a dark forest
but had beautiful landscapes on the other side of the trees.
The other way was hilly, with plains surrounding it,
no mountains, river or woods, only occasional shadows.
He contemplated his options and searched the clouds for answers.
He turned his back on the fork in the road and walked towards home again.

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