Universe Pasta | Teen Ink

Universe Pasta

June 8, 2011
By JanneK BRONZE, Springfield, Oregon
JanneK BRONZE, Springfield, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine something

Imagine something impossible

Imagine something unlikely

Imagine something fantastic.

Imagine the Earth alone in the vastness of space

Imagine the cold, dark, empty void of space

Imagine the pinpricks of light created by stars and suns

Imagine that light be erased by the darkness.

Now, imagine that dark space being filled

That space is filled

It's warm,


And reminds you of home

That space is


Imagine the void filled with pasta

Pasta of all kinds;

Bow tie, angel hair, fettuccine ,lasagna, linguine, ravioli, tortellini

All together.

Imagine all that pasta being doused in sauce

Homemade sauce

Sauce with peppercorns, mushrooms, bell peppers, onions,

Everything you can imagine.

Now, imagine the Earth

Floating in that pasta,

In that sauce

Imagine the Earth as

A meatball.

One huge, gigantic, colossal meatball.

And imagine a fork large enough to take a bit of that spaghetti

Reaching across the universe

To eat the Earth.

Imagine that this fork is being held by a hand,

A hand connected to an arm,

An arm that is slowly, slowly, slowly reaching back

With the forkful of Universe Pasta

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