The Power of Power | Teen Ink

The Power of Power

June 8, 2011
By I.R.MacCay SILVER, Anchorage, Alaska
I.R.MacCay SILVER, Anchorage, Alaska
5 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm gonna live my life. I'm gonna kick your but at anything you challenge me at, and I'm gonna do everything that can and can't be done. If you want to stop me go ahead, try to stop me. Just try." I. R. MacCay

It over rules you.
You don’t even know who you are anymore.
All you know is power.

And I’m the only one keeping it from you.

You tie me to a chair.
You tape my hands and feet.
You threaten me.
You say you’ll kill me.

But what good will that do for you?

You beat my face.
You break my bones.
You stick me with needles.
You burn me, and then freeze me.

Its satisfying….

You want power.
You need me to tell you this secret to get it.
I won’t speak.
You are powerless.


You hit me again and again.
Finally I open my mouth.
I look ashamed.
I look scared.

You’ve been at this for days.

You stop and hold my head between your hands.
A tear falls from my eye as you whisper to me “Just tell me”
I take a breath.
I look at you with a smug smile.

“Ouch” I say, then I spit in your face.

You don’t seem to like what I have to tell you.
You yell, and scream in frustration.
I laugh and smile in exhilaration
You ask me why, and I answer.

“I like power too.”

You give up.
You don’t know what to do.
You’ve lost all power.
You can’t win.

…Because I already did…

You stager backward.
I look at you with my eyes full of the knowledge you seek.
You glare with shallow pools of nothing but reflection.
I blow you a kiss.

You say you’re sorry and untie me.

I hit you, and you fall to the ground.
I rip the hair from your head.
I torture you until you ask me to kill you.
But…I’m not that nice.

God…. Do I love power….

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