Accepting Maturity | Teen Ink

Accepting Maturity

July 21, 2011
By dancinlizing SILVER, Easton, Pennsylvania
dancinlizing SILVER, Easton, Pennsylvania
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When embarking on a journey of revenge, dig two graves"

I can’t live until tomorrow
I can’t wait until today
I can go but don’t you follow
Its better off this way
I can walk
But don’t copy me
Make your own path in this world
How am I to prove to you
That I`m not some little girl
I can take my own path
Give me space at the back of my heels
I can figure it out by myself
And show I`m more than real
I can leap, I can jump
Don’t catch I`m flying high
Lets show the others what I`m made of
Confidence to the sky

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