Fake Smiles | Teen Ink

Fake Smiles

July 16, 2011
By Arabella Reynolds BRONZE, Irondale, Alabama
Arabella Reynolds BRONZE, Irondale, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She's smiling on the outside
tearing up within
and yet
she still doesn't know where she should begin.
She was in a relationship
that ended up being no good.
She was constantly lied to,
her innocent words
She's a strong,
independent young woman
who just wants
someone who will understand.
This bright young woman
deserves a real man.
Instead she always ends up with
little boys,
who treat her heart
like a play toy.
She wants to be happy
no matter who she's with
so until he comes
she'll sit and wait patiently
"Will I ever find someone who will stay faithful to me?"

The author's comments:
This poem is about a girl who has been through it all. She just wants to be happy once in her life. She wants a guy who doesn't act his shoe size but his age. She's a girl who's too smart to be with someone who wont treat her with the respect she deserves.

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