As I walk | Teen Ink

As I walk

July 20, 2011
By Hisonly2011 BRONZE, Reddick, Florida
Hisonly2011 BRONZE, Reddick, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You never now what u have until u have lost it forever..

As I walk away from the pain
You hear me cry
Grab my hand
I turn to you
With tears falling like rain
Your hand wipes away my tears
You kiss me and say please don't go
I love you and I am sorry

The author's comments:
Even though people say if they hurt you once they will do it again but sometimes it just takes the person to walk away and then they realize what they did was wrong and painful to the one they love and giving them a second chance is sometimes the right thing to do

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