Frosted Souls | Teen Ink

Frosted Souls

June 10, 2011
By TakeAChance SILVER, Parker, Colorado
TakeAChance SILVER, Parker, Colorado
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

plastic realities
and pipe dreams,
tell me what it means
sugar coated candy canes,
with purple guitar strings,
websites and water bottles,
to paint on a smile,
is that all it takes to believe the bait?
how do you watch, review the file
pepper tainted, lemon glares
can you avoid the stares?
bittersweet "How-to"
Tardy body builds,
glowing pastel signs,
neon minds struggling,
to come alive.
juice boxes filled with lies
margarine soaked bread crumbs,
twirl around, flaunt your dance
take your one,
last chance.

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