Lost Sorrow at a Cemetary | Teen Ink

Lost Sorrow at a Cemetary

June 10, 2011
By TakeAChance SILVER, Parker, Colorado
TakeAChance SILVER, Parker, Colorado
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Open your eyes and what do you see?

A frozen wasteland,

painted a glassy sea-foam green.

Forgotten is the sorrow,

that the weeping left behind,

forgotten is the lonely souls of our kind.

Walk around, section 7d,

white headstones glare at me.

burried deep and long ago,

mist sweeps the gound,

calling to me.

What happens to the sorrow here,

the sorrow that I have found?

When every thing is said and done,

where does it go?

To rot 6 feet underground,

to infect the visitors that come,

to and fro?

Is it left behind,

eventually forgotten?

maybe never to be found,

had we not marked a path,

carved a day in stone icing.

close your eyes,

breath in deep,

listen to the sorrow,




from the forgotten souls,

Aching to be remebered.

that so long ago,

where burried deep alive,

up here in time,

open your eyes and what do you see?

Come run away with me,

to the circle of sorrow in the frozen wasteland,

painted sea-foam green,

where all is forgotten,

but you and me.

The author's comments:
Walking around a cemetary in Denver I started to wonder. Who was left to be sad for the child that died in 1888? who was left to be sad for the man that died in 1905? the people that died, long ago. where even those who were sad for them, have long since died aswell? In my theory there is just this circle of sorrow that goes along with the circle of life. someone dies, and someone is sad for them. when that person dies, someone else is there to take on the sorrow and feel the weight of it. Is there just an endless cirlce of sorrow? or are these people eventually forgotten, even by those who swore they never would? how many people that swore they'd never forget me, would a year or two after I died? Does everything just lie there, unkempt and unwept for once the family line dies off? The Cemetary got my mind spinning, I have relatives there that i didn't know exsisted. But I couldn't feel sad for them, because i'd never known them. to me they were just skeletons in the ground that i would've liked to know, but never got the chance. So who is left to feel sad for the people that they never got know? Who is left to take on that burden, that sorrow for the people that died so long ago, that no one knew? My question simply is, Where does the sorrow go, once it dies off?

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