Still waiting to know whats right | Teen Ink

Still waiting to know whats right

July 20, 2011
By Josie Vargas SILVER, Waller, Texas
Josie Vargas SILVER, Waller, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Walking my paste not knowing where all the voices in my head are coming from. Wishing I'd got the second chance i deserve. Not knowing where I was being led. Whispers saying "Stop" and others saying "Don't listen". How am I to know when to listen and when to stop. I don't and that's what bothers me. I continue at my paste feeling nothing but cold air pushing me to go forward, but I'm being told to go back. Now I lay here wishing I hadn't stopped. As clueless as I am here I lay waiting for someone to help me up and let me know what it is I am doing wrong.I'm being told that there is nothing I can do but pray. Others tell me to just let life happen and go along with it. I know now that everything I did was wrong. At the time I thought I was right, but where does it leed me now? I'm still in the same spot wishing i knew. Darker than any other night. Colder than any other day. I only hope that I find my way back and make everything right. This wasn't suppose to happen. It wasn't suppose to be me, but it was now here I am waiting till sunrise to move along. I see faces in every direction laughing and screaming. The directions were not right for all I see now is all my hopes and dreams in the direction behind me. My nightmares let to the direction in front of me. All my mistakes in the direction to the side of me and my broken promises to the other side of me. Here I am again walking my paste not knowing which direction is right.

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