Satisfaction | Teen Ink


May 5, 2011
By matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love never fails"

With all but everything by my side
I stand alone in this darkest time
I search for hope, only to find none
Satisfaction, cannot be won

I saw a man, with a light about him
He stood atop a peaceful mountain
Let me clarify that the light could not be seen
It was only a feeling that had come on me so keen

I asked the man why he shone so
But he spoke a tongue I did not know
He handed me a book, old and torn
On the cover I read ìYour soul is unbornî

I opened the text to have my heart sank
I was disappointed to see the pages blank
The man offered a nail and hammer
Confusion just caused my words to stammer

The man said to me "your ways are wrong"
And angered me for what seemed so long
I threw him to the ground and drove through his wrists
The nails he'd given me, he did not resist

I looked to see his blood on the book
It revealed the page, and the ground shook
It showed me a world beyond my thought
I knew this was what I had always sought

But as the man breathed his last
His blood turned black and the sight shattered like glass
Instead a dark fire had taken its place
The flames jumped from the book, and scarred my face

I cried out in pain, lost and fearful
The man awakened, his eyes tearful
I begged his forgiveness, and offered my life
But the man had mercy in spite of my strife

The light I had felt now shone brightly
He wiped away my tears and held me tightly
He pointed to the book, now full of words
And told me to spread the news of my glorious rebirth

Now I seek others, with none by their side
Who struggle as I had, in their darkest times
Telling them all what my Savior has done
With satisfaction, my life has begun

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