I Miss You | Teen Ink

I Miss You

June 25, 2011
By BlackTears BRONZE, Happy Valley, Oregon
BlackTears BRONZE, Happy Valley, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember when Goodbye only meant until tomorrow?

I miss those days.

Remember when someone saying "I love you" meant everything?

I miss that feeling.

Remember those goose bumps you get when you're kissed?

I miss that electric pulse.

I miss you, my dearest.

I miss all the things you gave me.

I miss all the little things people never seemed to notice,

But me.

I miss you.

I wish you never left.

Now I cry in a corner,

Wishing, hoping, praying,

That you'll come back.

I need you to come back,

Before I die from missing you.

You left to soon.

You made me hurt,

I know you didn't mean to,

But you did.

I'll always hurt.

My heart will always have a place that can never be filled by anyone else,

But you.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my cousin. Because he died when I still needed him.

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